These books have been digitized as part of the Writing a Historical Book Review course, an Honours programme offered by the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience. In collaboration with Wikimedia Nederland and Maastricht University’s Special Collections, psychology students participating in this course select original, unusual, or rare books on psychology related topics to read and analyse. This process involves a deep reading analysis, specific discipline database searches, and a guided tour of the Special Collections.

The course culminates in the creation of new Wikipedia articles where students present their findings, effectively turning their academic work into a resource accessible to a global audience. These newly crafted Wikipedia pages are expected to be published in mid-September, contributing to the wealth of knowledge available on the platform.

This initiative not only teaches students how to search for and analyze historical information sources but also equips them with the skills to communicate academic knowledge effectively. By writing book reviews tailored specifically for Wikipedia, students learn the importance of open access and take on the responsibility of contributing meaningfully to the public domain. To get a sense of the impact and quality of this work, take a look at the Wikipedia articles written by students during last year’s course.

The University Library is honored to support Wikimedia Commons in its mission to expand the repository of freely accessible educational media, furthering the preservation and dissemination of knowledge for the global community.