Importance of correct IDs in Pure

Managing your ORCID [1] and Scopus ID [2] is important to distinguish you and your work from other researchers.
In Pure, the IDs are used, among other things, for correctly matching authors for the automated import of publications and datasets into Pure.

Incorrect IDs in Pure can lead to mismatched publications to your name.

How IDs are added to Pure

You can manually add your IDs to your profile under Edit Profile when logged in to Pure or the library Pure team automatically adds ORCID and Scopus IDs, after a thorough check.

Do a check!

You can find your IDs under Edit Profile when logged in to Pure. Both IDs are clickable and lead directly to the profile pages in ORCID and Scopus.
Please contact if you have found any inconsistencies or for questions.


[1] ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. It is a unique and persistent identifier, connecting you and your research activities throughout your career. You register for your own ORCID, and you will always have complete control over your ORCID record, including what information is connected to your ID, the visibility settings of this information, and whether/how often you wish to receive updates from ORCID.

Read our last news item on why and how to (re-) authenticate your ORCID in Pure!

[2] A Scopus ID is an identifier that is automatically assigned when you publish two or more works in a journal indexed by Scopus. The algorithm generates your ID based on your name, email, affiliation, subject area, citations and co-authors.
If you do not have work indexed in Scopus, you will not have a Scopus ID. You cannot register for or request a Scopus ID yourself.Your author profile on Scopus shows your publications and citation metrics, link to co-authors and collaborators, and establish your research profile.