Persistent identifiers DOI and ORCID

Library+ Research update - August 2021

Persistent identifiers DOI and ORCID

25 Aug 2021

A persistent identifier (PID) is a permanent reference and unique identifier to an object independent of the storage location. The identifier ensures machine readability and that one can always find the object, even if its name or storage location changes.


A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a PID for research output.

We strongly recommend you choose an outlet for your research output that provides a DOI to objects. And make sure to use this DOI when registering research output in Pure.

The University Library facilitates the registration of DOIs for publications of Maastricht University, like dissertations, lectures, working papers and reports.



ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID.

This persistent identifier for academics has advantages for scholars’ online visibility, the efficiency of manuscript submission and grant application processes, and registration of research output in the research information system.

You can find more information on ORCID and how to sync your ORCID identifier with Pure on our ORCID page.

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