FAQ Categories

Funder’s Open Access policies
How do I know the open access policy of the funding institution of my research project?
Your funder’s open access policy is usually specified in the grant agreement and on their website.
Our Research Funders page provides an overview of the most common funders. You can also visit the SHERPA Juliet website to learn about funders’ policies and requirements on open access, publication, and data archiving.
If unsure, please get in touch with the open-access publishing team.
Link to this FAQ: https://umlib.nl/oa-faq-3
Article Processing Charges (APC) and discounts
Does Maastricht University or the University Library have an APC budget?
Maastricht University and the University Library have no budget for individual article APCs. Publishing costs, including article processing charges (APC) to publish open-access (OA), are considered research costs and must be settled with your research budget, your faculty, a personal discount (waiver) from the publisher, or otherwise.
The University Library has arranged (prepaid) discount arrangements with academic publishers to enable UM and MUMC+ researchers to publish articles free of charge (or with a discount) in high-quality journals.
Corresponding authors are responsible for covering APCs of publications outside agreements. Please check your research or faculty budget before you engage in a publishing contract where payments are due.
- Check our Publishing deals and discounts page for an overview of our APC discount arrangements.
- Check our Open Access Journal Browser for discounts and open-access options for individual journals.
If unsure, please get in touch with the open-access publishing team.
Link to this FAQ: https://umlib.nl/oa-faq-10
Is there an APC deal for the journal of my choice?
To find out about an available discount for a specific journal, always check our Open Access Journal Browser.
Click on the title of a journal to open its information page detailing the APC discount. You will also find information about the publication types included in the discount deal. And information on the (imminent) end of the discount/subsidy for the given year.
Please note
- While we strive to update the Journal Browser as soon as we receive new information, we can’t guarantee the correctness and completeness, as this can change during your publication process.
- Check the information before submitting your manuscript and again before publishing your article.
- Please check the journal’s website for any planned changes, such as moving to another publisher, switching to Full Open Access, or both, as these changes may impact the discount arrangements.
- Maastricht University has no central budget for covering APC costs, only arrangements with publishers regarding discounts. If you publish Open Access in a journal outside our deals, you must settle the invoice with your research organisation. The research project funder may provide a budget for the APC.
- If you select a hybrid journal outside our deals and can’t cover the APC, Green Open Access might be an option: publish with a subscription license (behind a paywall, not OA) and let us make your published article Green Open Access after six months. Sign up for our Taverne service once; the library will do the rest.
- If you want to publish Gold Open Access and have no budget to cover the APC, be aware of the growing number of Diamond Open Access (DOA) journals. These (non-profit) journals do not charge APCs. For an overview of quality DOA journals, visit the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Link to this FAQ: https://umlib.nl/oa-faq-1
Is there a limit to the available discounts this year?
The total number of available discounts varies per publisher and depends on the contract, the estimated number of articles per year, and the available budget.
You can find out about this when you go to the deal information for each publisher on the Publishing Deals and Discounts page.
Always check the information about available discounts before submitting and publishing an article.
Stay updated by following us on UMployee or subscribe to our Research Support Update to receive the latest information and changes.
Link to this FAQ: https://umlib.nl/oa-faq-14
Do I receive the APC discount automatically?
No, you need to follow the submission workflow of the selected publisher/journal to receive the discount.
Select the relevant deal on the Publishing Deals and Discounts page overview to understand a publisher’s workflow, You will find all the information about the arrangement and workflow there. Follow these instructions to receive the discount.
If you anticipate a discount not applied at check-out, do not proceed. Instead, contact the publisher. Otherwise, you will receive an invoice for your order and have to settle this invoice with your research group or faculty.
Please note that we do not have a central budget to cover your APC costs.
Link to this FAQ: https://umlib.nl/oa-faq-16
Are all publication types covered by an APC discount deal?
Not all article types are covered because of budgets, but this differs per publisher.
Original articles, review articles and case reports are usually covered. If you send in a different kind of publication, check the requirements.
This information about publication types is available in the Open Access Journal Browser and for each publisher in the Publishing Deals and Discounts page overview.
Stay updated by following us on UMployee or subscribe to our Research Support Update to receive the latest information and changes.
Link to this FAQ: https://umlib.nl/oa-faq-15
Why and when do I need to use my affiliation email address?
Please note that only UM and MUMC+ corresponding authors can claim the APC discount offered by our publisher deals.
Additionally, authors must mention UM or MUMC+ as their affiliate in the article to qualify for a discount.
For some deals, It is essential to use your UM or MUMC+ email address in your correspondence with the publisher for identification purposes. Remember that, in such cases, your UM/MUMC email must remain active during the publication process.
If you anticipate leaving UM/MUMC before publishing the article AND still wish to claim a discount, reconsider appointing a coauthor as the article’s corresponding author.
Link to this FAQ: https://umlib.nl/oa-faq-17
What does it mean when the Journal Browser indicates Open Access support and APC costs are unknown?
For this journal, we have no APC discount arrangement.
If the Journal Browser indicates that open-access support and APC costs are unknown, we do not know if the selected journal currently supports open-access publishing. This also means we have no information about any Article Processing Charges for this title.
About handling Article Processing Costs (APC)
When you select a journal for your publication outside our discount deals, you must settle the APC, if applicable and other publishing costs through your research project or faculty.
Publishing costs are considered research-related costs. For a corresponding/submitting author, the research project (leader) or the faculty is the point of contact for approval of costs, including APCs and processing of invoices.
If your publication results from publicly funded research (NWO, Horizon, etc.) APC coverage of publications in Gold OA journals is part of the research funding. Suppose APC coverage by the research group or the faculty is not an option, and the faculty has no faculty budget for research output. In that case, you might have to select another journal/publisher for your article. Or, if the selected journal is a hybrid journal, you can choose a subscription license (no APC, but not OA) and make your article (Green) open-access after publication via the library.
The University Library supports open-access publishing and tries to arrange APC discounts. However, there is no central publishing budget at UM or the library.
Please note
- If your research has a public funder and Gold Open Access is required, then publication costs are probably budgeted. See our page about research funders.
- If you selected a hybrid journal outside our deals and can’t cover the APC, Green Open Access might be an option: publish with a subscription license (behind a paywall, not OA) and let us make your published article Green Open Access after six months. Sign up for our Taverne service once; the library will do the rest.
- If you want to publish Gold Open Access and have no budget to cover the APC, be aware of the growing number of Diamond Open Access (DOA) journals. These (non-profit) journals do not charge APCs. For an overview of quality DOA journals, visit the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Link to this FAQ: https://umlib.nl/oa-faq-5
What does it mean when the Journal Browser indicates Full APC costs – No Discount?
In that case, we do not have an APC discount arrangement, and the corresponding (submitting) author has to settle the APC with the research budget or the faculty.
About handling Article Processing Costs (APC)
When you select a journal for your publication outside our discount deals, you must settle the APC, if applicable and other publishing costs through your research project or faculty.
Publishing costs are considered research-related costs. For a corresponding/submitting author, the research project (leader) or the faculty is the point of contact for approval of costs, including APCs and processing of invoices.
If your publication results from publicly funded research (NWO, Horizon, etc.) APC coverage of publications in Gold OA journals is part of the research funding. Suppose APC coverage by the research group or the faculty is not an option, and the faculty has no faculty budget for research output. In that case, you might have to select another journal/publisher for your article. Or, if the selected journal is a hybrid journal, you can choose a subscription license (no APC, but not OA) and make your article (Green) open-access after publication via the library.
The University Library supports open-access publishing and tries to arrange APC discounts. However, there is no central publishing budget at UM or the library.
Please note
- If your research has a public funder and Gold Open Access is required, then publication costs are probably budgeted. See our page about research funders.
- If you selected a hybrid journal outside our deals and can’t cover the APC, Green Open Access might be an option: publish with a subscription license (behind a paywall, not OA) and let us make your published article Green Open Access after six months. Sign up for our Taverne service once; the library will do the rest.
- If you want to publish Gold Open Access and have no budget to cover the APC, be aware of the growing number of Diamond Open Access (DOA) journals. These (non-profit) journals do not charge APCs. For an overview of quality DOA journals, visit the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Link to this FAQ: https://umlib.nl/oa-faq-4
What to do when there is no APC discount available?
When you select a journal for your publication for which the library has no discount deal available (check the Open Access Journal Browser), you must settle the APC and other publishing costs through your research organisation (i.e. project, school, faculty).
Please note
- If your research has a public funder and Gold Open Access is required, then publication costs are probably budgeted. See our page about research funders.
- If you selected a hybrid journal outside our deals and can’t cover the APC, Green Open Access might be an option: publish with a subscription license (behind a paywall, not OA) and let us make your published article Green Open Access after six months. Sign up for our Taverne service once; the library will do the rest.
- If you want to publish Gold Open Access and have no budget to cover the APC, be aware of the growing number of Diamond Open Access (DOA) journals. These (non-profit) journals do not charge APCs. For an overview of quality DOA journals, visit the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Creative Commons – CC licenses
More information
If you feel that essential questions or answers are missing in this FAQ section, or if the information provided is incorrect, we would like to hear from you at openaccess@maastrichtuniversity.nl.
For specific or complex questions and support, please contact an Open Access specialist at the University Library.