Storing and Sharing

Efficient and safe storage ensures the integrity of your research data, guaranteeing data longevity and promoting collaboration. When sharing your data, it should be done securely to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information.

Storage Considerations
  • Storing Research Data in the P-Drive will make sure your data is backed up.
  • MS Teams and MS SharePoint are secure environments; however, they are meant for administrative use. Avoid using it for research data.
  • UM provides additional storage for researchers to ensure GDPR compliance; however, a Data Management Plan (DMP) is necessary. Contact the faculty’s Information Manager for access.
  • Check the Research Articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Data Management Code of Conduct.
  • Storage Finder (available soon).
Sharing Protocols
  • Utilize institutional environment and tools supported by clear instructions and agreements, such as VRE, SharePoint, MDR, SURFdrive and SURFfilesender.
  • Avoid free online storage platforms like Dropbox and Google Drive to store and share research data.
  • Document and adhere to any data sharing agreements specific to your project, especially when third-party data processing is involved. Ask yourself the following: Did my consortia agree on how we are sharing data and on which platforms?

Privacy and Security

Protecting the privacy of individuals and ensuring data security are integral to responsible research. Adherence to privacy regulations, is mandatory when dealing with personal data. Simultaneously, security measures are crucial for defending data against breaches, corruption, or loss.

Privacy Protocols
Security Measures
Useful Resources