About DataverseNL

DataverseNL is a shared service provided by the participating Dutch institutions and DANS. It is open to researchers from the affiliated institutes and their collaborators to deposit and share research data. The platform facilitates making your research data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). DataverseNL standardises the citation of datasets to make it easier for researchers to publish their data and get credit and recognition for their work.

You can also search for research data stored at DataverseNL. Depending on access rights, you can get access to the data directly or on request.

To start using DataverseNL or for more information on benefits, features and FAQ, visit the DataverseNL website. For guidelines, refer to the DataverseNL user guide.


DataverseUM is part of DataverseNL, especially for datasets of UM researchers.

DataverseUM offers:

  • Storage of research data for at least ten years after the last publication based on the data;
  • Short-term storage during the data analysis phase (proper backup facilities and access management are in place);
  • The appropriate registration tool for your (dynamic and) static research data;
  • The possibility of data exchange between authorised researchers;

To use DataverseUM for storing and registering research data, register with your UM account on DataverseNL and send a dataset request to your faculty data steward or contact the RDM team.

Research Data Management support

Learn more about Research Data Management (RDM) in all phases of the research life cycle and find RDM support, services, and tools on the UM RDM portal.