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The package contains 100+ clinical textbooks of McGraw-Hill, basic science books, and clinical science books of Lange Educational Library.

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ACM DL – Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library

The ACM Digital Library is a database for computing literature containing journal articles, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books.

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PsycINFO contains over 4 million citations and abstracts of peer reviewed articles, book chapters and dissertations selected from more than 2,400 periodicals in 30 languages dedicated to behavioral science and mental health.

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CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature) provides access to virtually all English-language nursing journals.

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ClinicalKey is a clinical search engine that supports clinical decisions by making it easier to find and apply relevant knowledge.

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Cochrane Library

Information on the effectiveness of health care on the grounds of evidence-based medicine.

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Complete Anatomy

Complete Anatomy is an interactive 3D anatomical atlas that allows users to view and manipulate 12 body systems. Tools include Augmented reality, cutting, labeling, break down menus, export images, plus more.

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CSD – Cambridge Structural Database

The CSD is the world’s largest database for small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal structures, with more than 1 million curated entries from x-ray and neutron diffraction analyses.

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Embase (OVID)

Embase is a biomedical and pharmacological database containing bibliographic records with citations, abstracts and indexing derived from biomedical articles in peer reviewed journals, and is especially strong in its coverage of drug and pharmaceutical research.

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Eurostat provides access to a range of statistical information (data and publications) you can consult online or download for free.

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