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Complete Anatomy

Complete Anatomy is an interactive 3D anatomical atlas that allows users to view and manipulate 12 body systems. Tools include Augmented reality, cutting, labeling, break down menus, export images, plus more.

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Compustat Capital IQ Transcripts (via Wharton)

Compustat Capital IQ Transcripts provides a convenient way to analyse historical transcript data and trends on 10,600 companies.

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Compustat Global (via Wharton)

Compustat Global provides authoritative financial and market data covering publicly traded companies in more than 80 countries, representing over 90% of the world’s market capitalisation.

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Compustat North America (via Wharton)

Compustat North America is a database of U.S. and Canadian fundamental and market information on active and inactive publicly held companies.

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CRSP (Mutual Funds & US Stocks & Indices) (via Wharton)

The Center for Research in Security Prices, LLC (CRSP) maintains the most comprehensive collection of security price, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stock markets. Additional CRSP files provide stock indices, beta-based and cap-based portfolios, treasury bond and risk-free rates, and real estate data.

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CSD – Cambridge Structural Database

The CSD is the world’s largest database for small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal structures, with more than 1 million curated entries from x-ray and neutron diffraction analyses.

Open database | More info is a French (language) legal database which offers online access to more than 2500 digital works from the major Dalloz collections in their latest edition.

Open database | More info is a French (language) full-text database of codes, legal journals, encyclopedias, legal commentaries and cases (all courts).

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Miljoenen gedigitaliseerde teksten uit Nederlandse kranten, boeken en tijdschriften, uit de collecties van diverse wetenschappelijke instellingen, bibliotheken en erfgoedinstellingen. Ze worden via één zoekingang aangeboden en zijn op woordbasis doorzoekbaar.

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Dictionaries Van Dale Online Professional (N-N, N-E, E-N, N-D, D-N, N-F, F-N, N-S, S-N, N-I, I-N, N-P, P-N, N-Z, Z-N)

Cumulation of almost all Van Dale dictionaries (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and Contemporary Dutch), integrated searchable and presented.

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