News archive
Category: RDM portal
Brand new Maastricht Data Repository homepage and Help Center
Enhancing customer satisfaction and streamlining our user support.
…Workshop FAIR for Qualitative Data
Join this workshop on 25 September and learn how to make your qualitative dataset FAIR.
…Still a few spots for the upcoming introduction to Research Data Management workshop
Interested to learn about Research Data Management? Register for the Introduction to Research Data Management workshop on 18 September.
…The FAIR Extension: Get FAIR Evaluation metrics directly from your browser
Explore FAIR metrics directly on scholarly websites using the FAIR browser extension, simplifying interaction with the FAIR landscape.
…FAIR Coffee Lecture: “FAIR Legal Network Analysis Research Software? Experiences & Challenges”
Want to learn about experiences of using FAIR research software for legal network analysis? Then join this FAIR coffee.
…Research Data Management Experts Community meeting – Thematic Digital Compentence Centers
Join us at the upcoming Research Data Management (RDM) Experts Community meeting on Thursday 1 June from 11:30 to 14:30.
…Open Science Festival Maastricht – 25 May 2023
The Open Science Community of Maastricht University (OSCM), in collaboration with the University Library, is organising its first Open Science Festival on 25 May!
…Some spots available for the SURF Research Bootcamp on 24 May in Maastricht
Check out the SURF Research Bootcamp workshops and information session, registration is still open.
…SURF Research Bootcamp 24 May
Register for the SURF Research Bootcamp, with engaging hands-on workshops and an informative session, for researchers and research support staff.
…Workshop FAIR for Qualitative Data
Join this workshop and learn how to make your qualitative dataset FAIR.