The current sprint goal is "Improve accounts security"

Join the next DataHub sprint review

12 Aug 2021

DataHub organises a sprint review every three weeks from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Wednesday. Our next sprint review meeting will take place on 1 September 2021.
The current sprint goal is “Improve accounts security”.

A sprint review is designed to gather actionable feedback on what the DataHub Development team has completed. The purpose of a sprint review is to have a conversation with our stakeholders about how to improve our products. During a sprint review we will put you in the driver’s seat concerning (changes to) the products we have made. By collaborating and getting your direct feedback we are able to create more value for you and your colleagues. Your input will be highly appreciated.

The sprint review meeting on 1 September 2021 covers the following topics:

  • As a product owner I want to be extra careful when user accounts are automatically removed so that we don’t lose access or have orphan projects;
  • As a data architect I want to describe the impact of WebDAV dropzones to iRODS project structure, rules and policies so that we know how we can extend webDAV features;
  • As a developer I want to investigate webDAV performance when used for data ingests by external collaborators so that a proper design can be created;
  • As a data steward I want to see developments based on my feedback so that the working with the Maastricht Data Repository resonates with the users perspective.

Do not hesitate to invite other Maastricht University or MUMC+ colleagues who are interested in contributing to our meetings. There is no limit to the number of participants, though registration is compulsory. To register, please fill out your name and email address below. We will send the zoom link a few days before the event.


Registration for Sprint review of 1 September

7 + 1 =


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