Unique collaboration
The day started with a panel discussion led by Rosanne Hertzberger about “How do different branches within Open Science contribute to impact & transparency of research” with panellists from OSCM, University Library Maastricht, UKB and LCRDM. Parallel sessions organised by these four parties could then be attended. Following the parallel sessions, Cyrus Mody, standard-bearer for Maastricht University (UM) in the field of Open Science, gave a keynote on “Who Doesn’t Like Open Science? A Few Points from Historical and Contemporary Examples”. The day ended with a joint networking reception during which there was also a farewell to Ingrid Wijk as director of the Maastricht University Library. Ingrid was director for 12 years and has been working as a strategic advisor within Maastricht University since the beginning of this year.

It was an interesting day where knowledge was shared in abundance and the strengths of the various participating parties were combined. We look back on a unique collaboration between OSCM, Maastricht University Library, UKB and LCRDM! Watch the aftermovie of the Open Science Festival 2023 for a brief impression of the day.

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Photograph: Photostique