Matthew Stephenson & Walter Crist - FAIR Play - Building a Database of Historical Games

The FAIR Coffee lectures – 12 May 2021

22 Apr 2021

On  12 May, the Open Science Community and CDDI are organising the third FAIR Coffee Lecture edition at Maastricht University. The FAIR principles go hand-in-hand with Open Science to form a great guide to make your research Open and can be (re)-used. With the FAIR Coffee lecture series, the Open Science Community of UM, in collaboration with the Community for Data-Driven Initiatives (CDDI), will help you find out more about these topics and discover how your colleagues have applied Open Science and FAIR principles to their research. These lectures are a perfect chance to dip your toes in the FAIR water and find inspiration in the work of others!
UM is on a mission to become a leading example in the Open Science movement, which aims to make research papers, data, methods open to anyone. Each FAIR Coffee Lecture starts with a short Open Science / FAIR intro, followed by an inspiring lecture from a UM colleague on how they applied FAIR in their work.

Each lecture starts with a short Open Science/FAIR intro, followed by an inspiring lecture from a UM colleague on how they applied FAIR in their work. There will also be a short “caffeine” quiz at the end of the lecture with a chance to win a Bandito Espresso [icon name=”external-link”] voucher.

The third FAIR Coffee edition will be on 12 May 2021 from 11:00 to 12:00. This edition will feature a presentation by The Digital Ludeme Project. The project is a five-year ERC-funded research project run at UM’s Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering, in which they are building a playable digital database of the world’s traditional board games throughout human history. The database stores evidence for each game documenting where it was known to have been played, and — and far as possible — the equipment and rules with which it was played. This talk will give an overview of the Digital Ludeme Project, how researchers have collected evidence to populate the database, how they have to manage their data, and how they are adopting FAIR principles to increase the usefulness and longevity of the data.Find out more about upcoming sessions at: .

The preliminary program is as follows:

  • A quick introduction on FAIR/Open Science and the FAIR Coffee lecture series (15 minutes)
  • Main lecture by Ludeme researchers Matthew Stephenson & Walter Crist: FAIR Play – Building a Database of Historical Games  (40 minutes, including discussion/questions)
  • Caffeine quiz (5 minutes)

To, register, please use the form below. Participation is free, but please register so we can send you the Zoom link and keep you up to date.




Registration for FAIR Coffee lecture of 12 May 2021

10 + 11 =

The FAIR Coffee lecture series is being launched together with the FAIR Essentials workshop, which is a step up from the lectures and provides you with hands-on training and more background on the why and how of FAIR. The second workshop will take place in June 2021. More information will follow soon!

Looking forward to seeing you online!

Matthijs Sloep

Dennie Hebels

The CDDI Community




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