Publishing costs, including article processing charges (APC) for publishing open-access (OA) articles, are considered research costs.

The University Library arranges prepaid agreements that enable UM researchers to publish open-access articles in high-quality journals for free or at a discount within the available budget. Some publishers cap the number of waivers in a calendar year.

Remember that only (submitting) corresponding authors can claim the waiver offered by a publisher deal. So, ensure this role is assigned to a UM researcher when opting for an APC discount for a journal part of a publisher deal.

Maastricht University encourages scholars to publish Open Access (Gold OA route) or permit the library to share their paywalled articles via Taverne (Green OA route).

Open Access Journal Browser

The UM/MUMC+ Open Access Journal Browser is a helpful tool for determining which journals are part of an arrangement, the available discount, and other journal-specific publishing information.

The Browser is periodically updated, but because of the many changes throughout the year, we can’t guarantee 100% correctness.

Capped deals

Some publishers allow a maximum amount of open-access publications each year (cap).

We sometimes reach the cap before the end of the year. Suppose a journal accepts your manuscript after reaching the cap but before the new contract period. In that case, publishers will still offer to publish your article in Open Access. Still, the library agreement will no longer cover the costs, and the corresponding author will receive an invoice, just like with other journals outside an arrangement.

If you want to stay informed about the status of capped deals, follow us on UMployee or subscribe to our Research Support Update.

Overview of our APC discount deals

Below, you will find a detailed description per publisher of the actions required in the publication process to take advantage of the discount on Open Access.

Please note that only a corresponding author who submits the manuscript to the publisher can claim the waiver offered by a publisher deal. It is essential to always use your UM or MUMC email address in all correspondence with the publisher.

The availability of an APC discount depends on different factors per publisher. The overview of publishing deals provides information about availability, eligibility, and workflows.

American Chemical Society - ACS
Publish open access (OA) in more than 60 hybrid ACS journals at no direct APC cost to the author
National consortium deal
This open access deal is a national arrangement between ACS and the consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the open-access discounts available (discounts can change during the year).
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 23.02.2024 
BioMed Central - BMC

UM and MUMC+ corresponding authors receive a 15% discount on the APC when publishing in selected BMC journals.

BMC has an evolving portfolio of 300 peer-reviewed journals, sharing discoveries from science, technology, engineering and medicine research communities. In 1999 we made high-quality research open to everyone who needed to access it – and in making the Open Access model sustainable, we changed the world of academic publishing.

How does it work?

  • Maastricht University has a supporter membership at BioMed Central. This membership entitles researchers and students to a 15% discount on the author’s fee (APC) for a selection of BMC journals.
  • For an overview of the journals in this deal, visit our Open Access Journal Browser via this link. Open the page of the selected journal for publishing and sharing information.
  • Just select Maastricht University or MUMC+ in the drop-down menu. The publisher will apply the discount automatically.

License, conditions and support

  1. You will find additional information about this arrangement on the BioMed Central website.
  2. Contact the UM/MUMC+ Open Access support team for questions, support, or corrections.


More information and support


RA 06.01.2023 – short link to this section:

Cambridge University Press - CUP

Hybrid and gold open-access journals are included in this deal.

How does it work?

  • You (the submitting corresponding author) must use your institutional email address during submission.
  • After an article has been accepted, you can indicate under which affiliation you submitted the article; CUP will know that you are entitled to remission.
  • Click the ‘Apply Discount’ button to confirm open-access publication.
  • There is a maximum of 1500 free open-access publications for this agreement. When the maximum is about to be reached, a notification will be placed here.

License, conditions and support

  1. This APC deal is part of a national agreement. For more information and the conditions, visit our joint website
  2. You will find additional information about this arrangement on the website of Cambridge University Press.
  3. Use the Open Access Journal Browser to determine if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
  4. Contact the UM/MUMC+ Open Access support team for questions, support, or corrections.
Cogitatio Press
Publish open access (OA) in Cogitatio Press journals at no direct APC cost to the author.
Maastricht University deal
This open-access deal is an institutional arrangement between Cotagio Press and Maastricht University.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
All articles are published under a Creative Commons license: Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY), which guarantees that authors retain the copyrights of their work and can freely use, reuse,e and share their articles. Cogitatio Press allows authors to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) without any embargo period. SHERPA/RoME ranks it as a green publisher.
How does it work?
  • The Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law fund a yearly Cogitatio Press Institutional Membership program subscription. This affordable option allows authors to publish freely in a highly ranked open-access journal.
  • For an overview of the journals in this deal, visit our Open Access Journal Browser via this link. Then, open the page of the selected journal to publish and share information.
  • The corresponding author must be affiliated with Maastricht University to apply for the deal. The publisher will check this via the email address and affiliation stated in the manuscript and notify Maastricht University about each case.

Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript

  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the available open-access discounts. (Discounts can change throughout the year.).
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
Updated by Ron Aardening on 06.01.2025
Publish open access (OA) in more than 22000 hybrid and full open access Elsevier journals at no direct APC cost to the author.
National consortium deal
This open-access deal is a national arrangement between Elsevier and a consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Current deal: 2020-2024 (awaiting new arrangements for 2025)
  • Collection: Selected hybrid and full open-access journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the Elsevier selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: go to the Elsevier consortium page on
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of available open-access discounts. (Discounts can change throughout the year.)
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 06.01.2025
Publish open access (OA) in subscribed hybrid and full open access Emerald journals at no direct APC cost to the author.
National consortium deal
This open access deal is a national arrangement between Emerald and the consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the open-access discounts available (discounts can change during the year).
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 23.02.2024
IOP Publishing
Publish open access (OA) in selected hybrid and full open access IOP journals at no direct APC cost to the author
National consortium deal
This open-access deal is a national arrangement between IOP and a consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Publisher: IOP Publishing
  • Current deal: 2025-2027
  • Collection: selected IOP hybrid and full OA journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the IOP selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: go to the IOP consortium page on
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of available open-access discounts. (Discounts can change throughout the year.)
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 06.01.2025
IOS Press
Publish open access (OA) in all hybrid and full open access IOS Press journals at no direct APC cost to the author
National consortium deal
This open access deal is a national arrangement between IOS Press and the consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Publisher: IOS Press
  • Current deal: 2023-2025
  • Collection: IOS Press hybrid and full OA journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the IOS Press selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: go to the IOS Press consortium page on
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the open-access discounts available (discounts can change during the year).
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 23.02.2024 
Publish open access (OA) in all hybrid and full open access Karger journals at no direct APC cost to the author
National consortium deal
This open-access deal is a national arrangement between Karger and a consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Publisher: Karger
  • Current deal: 2025-20274
  • Collection: Karger hybrid and full OA journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the Karger selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: go to the Karger consortium page on
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of available open-access discounts. (Discounts can change throughout the year.)
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 06.01.2025
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - LWW
Publish open access (OA) in approximately 250 hybrid LWW journals at no direct APC cost to the author
National consortium deal
This open access deal is a national arrangement between LWW and the consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the open-access discounts available (discounts can change during the year).
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 23.02.2024  

MDPI logoUM and MUMC+ corresponding authors receive a 10% discount on the APC.

MDPI is a pioneer in scholarly open access publishing and has supported academic communities since 1996.

How does it work?

  • Maastricht University has a supporter membership at MDPI. This membership entitles researchers and students to a 10% discount on the author’s fee (APC).
  • Just select Maastricht University or MUMC+ during submission. The publisher will apply the discount automatically.

License, conditions and support

  1. You will find additional information about this arrangement on the MDPI website.
  2. Contact the UM/MUMC+ Open Access support team for questions, support, or corrections.
Oxford University Press - OUP

Publish without costs in almost 350 hybrid open-access journals by OUP.

Oxford University Press (OUP) is a major publisher of academic journals in the sciences and the humanities.

How does it work?

  • You (the submitting corresponding author) log in to Author Services of OUP with your account. Use your UM or MUMC+ email address.
  • After accepting your article, you can use OUP’s online licensing and payment system, Author Services, to obtain an open-access license.
  • Next, choosing the refer charges option ensures the library settles the APC costs with the Dutch universities” pre-payment accounts.
  • This request must be approved by the university affiliated with the corresponding author. Please ensure that we can identify you as a staff member.
  • All participants are allowed to publish a maximum of 760 articles annually. We will notify you when the maximum is about to be reached.

License, conditions and support

Portland Press
Publish open access (OA) in selected hybrid and full open access Portland journals at no direct APC cost to the author
National consortium deal
This open-access deal is a local arrangement between Portland and Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Publisher: Portland Press
  • Current deal: 2025
  • Collection: selected hybrid and full OA journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the Portland selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: t.b.a.
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of available open-access discounts. (Discounts can change throughout the year.)
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 06.01.2025
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC )
Publish open access at no direct APC cost to the author in 37 hybrid journals from this publisher.
National consortium deal
This open-access deal is a national arrangement between RSC and a consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Current deal: 2025-2027
  • Collection: 37 selected hybrid journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the RSC selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: go to the RSC consortium page on
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of available open-access discounts. (Discounts can change throughout the year.)
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 06.01.2025  
Publish open access (OA) in more than 900 hybrid SAGE journals at no direct APC cost to the author and receive a 20% discount when publishing in a full open-access Sage journal
National consortium deal
This open-access deal is a national arrangement between SAGE and a consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Publisher: SAGE
  • Current deal: 2025-2026
  • Collection: Selected SAGE hybrid journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the SAGE selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: go to the SAGE consortium page on
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of available open-access discounts. (Discounts can change throughout the year.)
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 06.01.2025  
Springer OpenChoice
Publish open access (OA) in 2000 hybrid Springer OpenChoice journals at no direct APC cost to the author and receive a 15% discount when publishing in a full open-access Springer Open journal
National consortium deal
This open access deal is a national arrangement between Springer and the consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Publisher: Springer Nature (Springer)
  • Current deal: 2024-2026
  • Collection: Springer OpenChoice hybrid journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the Springer selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: go to the Springer consortium page on
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the open-access discounts available (discounts can change during the year).
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 23.02.2024  
Springer Open (15% discount)

Springer NaturePublish open access (OA) in more than 140 Full Open Access journals of S/N and receive a 15% discount on the APC.

  • Publisher: Springer Nature (Springer)
  • Collection: SpringerOpen


Additional remarks before you submit your manuscript

  • Journals included – the agreement applies to the Full Open Access journals within the Springer Open programme.
  • Journal overview – see our Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the journals within the deal.
  • Affiliation – the corresponding author works at Maastricht University or Maastricht UMC+.
  • Corresponding (submitting) author – the corresponding author must mention UM or MUMC as their affiliate in the article to qualify for a discount. In addition, corresponding authors preferably use their UM or MUMC email accounts. For the publisher, the corresponding author is the submitting author.


More information and support


* hybrid journals – a hybrid OA journal is a subscription journal in which some articles are OA. This status typically requires the payment of a publication fee to the publisher.

RA 08.11.2023 – Direct link:


Taylor & Francis
Publish open access (OA) in hybrid Taylor & Francis Open Select journals at no direct APC cost to the author
National consortium deal
This open access deal is a national arrangement between Taylor & Francis and the consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis
  • Current deal: 2024-2026
  • Collection: T&F Open Select hybrid journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the T&F selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: go to the T&F consortium page on
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the open-access discounts available (discounts can change during the year).
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 23.02.2024  
The Company of Biologists
Publish open access (OA) in 3 hybrid journals at no direct APC cost to the author
This is a local UM/MUMC deal with The Company of Biologists.
This open access deal is a local arrangement between The Company of Biologists, Maastricht University, and the Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Current deal: 2023-2025
  • Collection: Three-journal package (Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology)
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the CoP selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows:
    • Use your institutional email address and select your correct affiliation; follow the instructions and select – already in this stage – that the article will be published ‘Gold Open Access’ with a ‘Read & Publish fee waiver’.
    • At acceptance, fill in the Publication Agreement. Login to the Rightslink System and select ‘Seek funding from [name institution]’, check your information and send the request for approval.
    • The article will be published with a CC BY license.
    • See the publisher’s website for a more elaborate explanation of the procedure.
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the open-access discounts available (discounts can change during the year).
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
Ron Aardening 29.02.2024 
Publish open access (OA) in 34 hybrid and 60 full open-access Thieme journals at no direct APC cost to the author
National consortium deal
This open access deal is a national arrangement between Thieme and the consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers
  • Current deal: 2022-2024
  • Collection: selected Thieme hybrid and full open-access journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the Thieme selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: go to the Thieme consortium page on
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the open-access discounts available (discounts can change during the year).
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 23.02.2024  
Walter de Gruyter
Publish open access (OA) in more than 300 hybrid and full open-access Walter de Gruyter journals at no direct APC cost to the author
National consortium deal
This open access deal is a national arrangement between Walter de Gruyter and the consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Current deal: 2023-2025
  • Collection: selected Walter de Gruyter hybrid and full open-access journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the WdG selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: go to the WdG consortium page on
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the open-access discounts available (discounts can change during the year).
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 23.02.2024  
Publish open access (OA) in more than 1.300 hybrid Wiley journals at no direct APC cost to the author
National consortium deal
This open access deal is a national arrangement between Wiley and the consortium of Dutch universities and medical centres, including Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC.
Note: authors are responsible for covering APCs in journals outside agreements.
  • Publisher: Wiley
  • Current deal: 2024-2026
  • Collection: selected Wiley hybrid journals
  • Journal titles, discounts and details: see the Wiley selection in our Open Access Journal Browser
  • Conditions and workflows: go to the Wiley consortium page on
Additional remarks for UM and MUMC authors before submitting your manuscript
  • Always check the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of the open-access discounts available (discounts can change during the year).
  • Use your UM/MUMC email address during the submission process.
  • Select open access after acceptance and choose a Creative Commons licence.
  • Consult the consortium page on for information on each publisher’s submission procedures and the accepted publication types.
Ron Aardening 23.02.2024  


FAQs and Support

Below is an overview of frequently asked questions by UM and MUMC+ scholars and the answers.


If in doubt, always contact the library’s Open Access support team or your faculty’s Open Science/Open Access support officer.

Is there an APC deal for the journal of my choice?

To find out about an available discount for a specific journal, always check our Open Access Journal Browser.

Click on the title of a journal to open its information page detailing the APC discount. Here, you will also find information about the publication types included in the discount deal. And information on the (imminent) end of the discount/subsidy for the given year.

Please note

While we strive to update the pages as soon as we receive new information, we can’t guarantee the correctness and completeness, as this can change during your publication process.

  • Check the information before submitting your manuscript and before publishing your article.
  • Check the journal’s website for any planned changes, such as moving to another publisher, flipping to Full Open Access, or both, as these changes may impact the discount arrangements.

Is there a limit to the available discounts this year?

The total number of available discounts varies per publisher and depends on the contract, the estimated number of articles per year, and the available budget.

You can find out about this when you go to the deal information for each publisher on this page.

Always check the information about available discounts before submitting and before publishing an article.

Stay updated by following us on UMployee or subscribe to our Research Support Update to receive the latest information and changes.

Are all publication types covered by an APC discount deal?

Not all article types are covered because of budgets, but this differs per publisher.

Usually, the covered types are original articles, review articles and case reports. Check the requirements if you send in a different kind of publication.

This information about publication types is available in the Open Access Journal Browser and for each publisher in the overview on this page.

Do I receive the APC discount automatically?

No, you need to follow the submission workflow of the selected publisher/journal to receive the discount.

To understand a publisher’s workflow, select the relevant deal in the overview on this page. You will find all the information about the arrangement and workflow here. Follow these instructions to receive the discount.

If you anticipate a discount not applied at check-out, do not proceed. Instead, contact the publisher. Otherwise, you will receive an invoice for your order and have to settle this invoice with your research group or faculty.

Please note that we do not have a central budget to cover your APC costs.

Why and when do I need to use my affiliation email address?

Please note that only UM and MUMC+ corresponding authors can claim the APC discount offered by our publisher deals.

Additionally, authors must mention UM or MUMC+ as their affiliate in the article to qualify for a discount.

For some deals, It is essential to use your UM or MUMC+ email address in your correspondence with the publisher for identification purposes. Keep in mind that, in such cases, your UM/MUMC email must remain active during the publication process.

If you anticipate leaving UM/MUMC before publishing the article AND still wish to claim a discount, reconsider appointing a coauthor as the corresponding author of the article.


RA 30.01.2024 – Page short link: