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De belangrijkste producenten van Nederlandse en enige Europese gezondheidsstatistieken zijn opgenomen in dit portaal.

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Global Health (EBSCO)

Global Health is a database that provides a truly global perspective on public health, by indexing key literature that is not covered by other databases.

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HaPI – Health and Psychosocial Instruments

Health and Psychosocial Instruments contains an essential collection of information on behavioral measurement instruments.

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Invert: Index van de Nederlandstalige Verpleegkundige Tijdschriftliteratuur

Invert is een databank met uitgebreide beschrijvingen van artikelen uit Nederlandstalige verpleegkundige tijdschriften en mededelingenbladen van de landelijke verpleegkundige beroepsverenigingen.

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JoVE – Journal of Visualized Experiments

JoVe video journal contains high-quality video demonstrations of experiments with a detailed text protocol and JoVE Science education video collections to teach and learn key concepts and fundamental techniques at the undergraduate course level.

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Klinische Diagnostiek

De website ontsluit opnieuw de belangrijkste klinische probleemstellingen en legt heldere verbanden met aanvullend diagnostisch onderzoek.

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Lexidrug is a collection of clinical databases and clinical decision support tools and provides access to clinical drug resources. The Lexidrug database is an addition to the UpToDate database.

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LWW Health Library – Medical e-books

Interactive online access to 50 textbooks on core/fundamental topics, plus procedural videos, images, real-life case studies, and quiz banks for medical and health science students, teachers and practitioners.

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The MEDLINE database is widely recognized as the premier source for bibliographic and abstract coverage of biomedical literature.

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medRxiv is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the field of Clinical Medicine and Health Science.

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