Checklist prior to your exam day

UM uses Chromebooks. You do not have to bring your own computer, except when this is part of a special arrangement. Please note, you need to login with your UM credentials to be able to take the exam. Make sure you know your password by heart.

Check your password for foreign characters

Chromebooks do not support any foreign special characters. If your password contains foreign characters or one of the following symbols – €, ^, ~, £ -, we advise changing your password prior to your exam. Change your password via my account.

Get to know the Chromebook configurations

The UM 14” Chromebooks all use the same configuration and have a standard mouse attached.

  • Keyboard: The keyboard layout is QWERTY, US international. There are no other keyboard layouts available.
  • Screen: You can adjust the brightness of your screen using the ‘sun’ buttons at the top of your keyboard.
  • Visual accessibility: In TestVision, you can change the font size or choose between a light or dark color scheme for enhanced readability: FAQ: Get to know testvision
  • Sound: All sound on the Chromebooks is disabled. The exams contain no questions that require sound.
  • Special arrangements on Chromebooks: The exams with special arrangements are usually offered on a PC with QWERTY keyboard and a mouse. Please contact your faculty for more information or contact the Disability Service.

Checklist on the exam day

Before you start your exam, there are a few things you should do.

Arrive on time!

The doors of the exam hall open 30 minutes before the exam starts. Please be on time! No one will be admitted to the exam hall once the exams have started.

Bring your UMcard

A passport or other valid legal ID will also be accepted as identification for exams.

Find your block

Use the floor plans that are posted at the entrance to find the blocks of your faculty and your exam.

Log on

Immediately log on and check if your exam is visible. Log on with your UM credentials. Your username is your student number, including the ‘i’ e.g. i1234567. Use the SHIFT key to make capital letters.

Check if your exam is visible

  • Click on “Take test”. The exam should be visible in the exam list 15 minutes before the exam starts.
  • Ask an invigilator for help if the exam is not visible, so any problems may be resolved before the exam starts.
  • Exams taken at a different location will be visible but unclickable. If this is the case, contact an invigilator to solve this before your exam starts.

Take the exam

  • Please put away your mobile phone, take off your watch and put your UMcard on the corner of your table.
  • Start the exam by clicking the blue arrow on the right. Then, read the instruction page carefully and answer the exam questions. You can go back to the instruction page during the exam.

Submit your exam

Submit your exam for grading by clicking ‘End test’ at the bottom right of the screen. Once you submit the exam, you cannot go back to the questions. Your exam must be submitted to be included in the grading process.
If you need help, signal the invigilator to assist with any technical difficulties.

Log out

Before you leave, please log out of TestVision by clicking the exit icon on the TestVision home page.

Video impression of an exam

Curious about the proceedings of an On Site exam? Check out the video.

*Please note, videos are updated once a year, small visual changes might not be included in the video yet.