News archive
Category: For
DataHub sprint review: keeping storage services stable and up-to-date
Join the next DataHub sprint review with sprint goal “prepare for a smooth upgrade to the iRODS 4.2.11 version.”
…Talking about books
The University Library starts a new series of video blogs, called ‘Talking about books’, where we put books (in print or E-book) from our collection in the spotlight.
…DataHub sprint review: extended metadata search in Maastricht Data Repository
Join the next DataHub sprint review with sprint goal “add an extended metadata search with filters and automated update mechanics.”
…DataHub sprint review: searchable collection metadata in Maastricht Data Repository
Join the next DataHub sprint review with sprint goal “make collection metadata searchable in MDR”.
…Upcoming training and workshops by the Netherlands eScience Center
Read more about the eScience Center training and workshops coming up in November and December.
…Last spots for the FAIR for qualitative data workshop
FAIR is not just a Life Sciences hobby. Join this workshop to learn how to do FAIR in different disciplines.
…FAIR Coffee Lecture: Open Access strategies and licensing of publications
On 9 November, Ron Aardening, will talk about the various options for publishing and sharing research output against FAIR principles.
…Store your research data securely at DataHub
Use Maastricht Data Repository to securely store your data and make them easily accessible and shareable.
…DataHub sprint review: Improve on the upload communication for drag-and-drop zones
Join the next DataHub sprint review with sprint goal “improve on the upload communication for drag-and-drop zones”.
…Nieuwe editie van de Leidraad voor juridische auteurs
De tiende druk, 2022 van de ‘Leidraad voor juridische auteurs: Verwijzen naar literatuur, regelgeving en jurisprudentie in voetnoten en literatuurlijst’, bedoeld voor Nederlandstalige teksten, is herzien en geactualiseerd.