News archive
Category: News
Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Today is the tenth Global Accessibility Awareness Day! We like to take you along in making obstacle free studying at Maastricht University a joint effort.
…Questions about KeyLinks and learning resources? Contact us!
Looking for help making use of resources for your course? Within UM Library’s Learning Resources team, every faculty has its own contact person for questions and support.
…Database trial – United Nations iLibrary
We invite you to try out the United Nations iLibrary to test its value for the library. The United Nations iLibrary is the comprehensive global search, discovery, and viewing source for digital content created by the United Nations.
…Subscription is cancelled to Passport GMID
As of 1 June, the University Library will cancel the Euromonitor Passport GMID subscription due to decreasing usage versus growing costs.
…Highlights 2020
We look back on a year in which the COVID-19 pandemic had major impact on our services and way of working. We are all the more proud of the highlights 2020 that we have nevertheless managed to achieve.
…Join the virtual library and ‘Study 2gether Online’!
Students are increasingly feeling lonely, missing physical lectures and studying together in the University Library. To offer students some support, the University Library has decided to create an attractive, hospitable and easily accessible virtual library location with a library look & feel, where students can meet, study and socialise together online.
…DataHub sprint review – 19 May 2021
DataHub organises a sprint review every three weeks from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Wednesday. Our next sprint review meeting will take place on 19 May 2021.
…RDM Experts Community meeting – 11 May 2021
Interdisciplinary RDM experts Networking Workshops [icon name=”home”] | Library+ Research news & events | Research Data Management news & events RDM Experts Community meeting – 11 May 2021 Join us for the next Research Data Management (RD …
…More bookable hours to study at the library
In order to meet the increasing demand for more study hours, the University Library has decided to expand the number of bookable hours. Instead of a weekly hour credit of 24 hours, students can now book study places for a maximum of 40 hours per week.
…Data Science Research Infrastructure (DSRI)
Are you doing data science work and want to use something more powerful than your laptop? With the Data Science Research Infrastructure(DSRI) you can run your work on a remote server at UM through any popular browser accessible web applications.