Open Access Week 2021

Library+ Research news

Maastricht University Library celebrates International Open Access Week 2021

25 Oct 2021

Open Access is an essential pillar of UM’s Open Science policy. Throughout the year, the University Library works to actively promote Open Access at Maastricht University. Not only by providing information and support but also by entering into agreements with publishers to reduce the costs of publishing and supporting alternative ways to Open Access and share research output. But because this week is International Open Access Week, we celebrate this with extra attention to new developments, services and tips.

During International Open Access Week, 25-31 October, we will launch the new and improved Open Access Journal Browser, the primary tool for our scholars to find out about OA publishing discounts and OA sharing options. Also, the first edition of the FAIR for Qualitative Data will take place. And, together with all Dutch universities, we will present A Practical Guide to Preprints to help accelerate scholarly communication.

We will also bust a couple of Open Access Myths, and you are welcome to visit two Open Access Drop-In Sessions to talk about publishing issues. We will close Open Access Week 2021 with a special OA issue of our Library+ Research update.

1. International Open Access Week 2021 – It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity

Open Access refers to the free online availability of scholarly research, coupled with the right to use it fully in the digital environment. Open Access Week is an annual event that promotes understanding of Open Access to make it a new norm in scholarship and research. This year’s theme is It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity.

This year’s theme intentionally aligns with the recently released UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, of which Open Access is a crucial component. Circulated in draft form following discussion by representatives of UNESCO’s 193 member countries, the Recommendation powerfully articulates and centres the importance of equity in pursuing a future for a scholarship open by default.

Read more about the International Open Access Week

2. New Open Access Journal Browser

Maastricht University Library is actively increasing Open Access options for UM and MUMC+ authors by signing agreements with publishers like Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Oxford University Press, and Cambridge University Press via national consortium deals and local arrangements.

These arrangements cover the costs associated with publishing Open Access articles in many selected journals. To find out about the available discounts, authors can use our Open Access Journal Browser to check arrangements and find out about Open Access alternatives.

We will launch an improved Journal Browser this week

The new Open Access Journal Browser

3. A Practical Guide to Preprints – Accelerating Scholarly Communication

Together with the other Dutch universities, we created a practical and informative guide for researchers to post and use preprints. And for the general public (journalists, patients, healthcare workers, etc.), how to interpret the research published through preprints.

We are looking forward to presenting this guide to the public during International Open Access Week.

Practical Guide on Preprints Published

4. Open Access Myth-busting during the International Open Access week

We answer many questions from scholars every day about Open Access publishing. Many questions are based on ambiguity, uncertainty or wrong expectations among authors.

We will try to bust some myths by explaining a common issue every day during International Open Access Week.

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5. Drop-In Sessions: Open Access Publishing Agreements

We expect the Springer publishing deal to reach the annual quota during Open Access Week, which means that Springer will not discount the OA publishing costs until the end of 2021.

This week, we host two drop-in sessions, especially for authors who expect to publish an article between now and the end of the year and need extra information.

But you are also welcome with other OA publishing questions our Zoom session on:

Follow the links to the Zoom sessions, and put them in your Outlook calendarDepending on the success of these drop-in sessions, we consider offering drop-in sessions regularly.

6. Open Science workshops and courses

In collaboration with the Open Science Community Maastricht (OSCM), we promote Open Science within Maastricht University.

One way to do this is by creating awareness on FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data, sharing Open Science information, and organising events that help improve scholars’ Open Science knowledge and skills. Existing events include:

  • The FAIR Coffee lecture series, in which FAIR pioneers present their research and implement FAIR to inspire other researchers to do the same.
  • The FAIR Essentials workshop teaches researchers what FAIR is and how they can apply it to their research.
  • The ReproducibiliTea Open Science journal clubs, in which we discuss diverse issues, papers, and ideas about improving science, reproducibility and the Open Science movement.

On 25 October, during the Open Access Week, we will launch the first “FAIR for Qualitative Data” course to help qualitative researchers apply the FAIR principles to their work. 

FAIR for Qualitative Data

7. Library+ Research Update

We offer three specialised email updates to keep you updated about Research and Open Science developments.

  • Library+ Research update
    A bi-monthly newsletter covering a different Research Support topic for each issue and provides an overview of current developments, events and workshops.
  • RDM update
    A weekly update by the UM Research Data Management community. With an overview of data management-related news and events.
  • Open Access update
    A weekly update. An overview of the latest information about publishing, open access arrangements, publishers, funder requirements, copyrights and licenses.

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