Workshops on FeedbackFruits Tools in Canvas

Workshops on FeedbackFruits Tools in Canvas

20 May 2021

The FeedbackFruits tools embedded in Canvas allow you to create engaging learning activities that encourage active learning and stimulate interaction and peer learning. We organise workshops about FeedbackFruits on a regular basis. New dates will be announced soon! You can also contact us for a tailormade session.


Tools for Peer Feedback

In the session about peer feedback, you will get an introduction to two peer feedback tools that allow both teachers and students to give feedback on different types of deliverables and skills. The instructor creates feedback criteria based on which the students’ work or skills are evaluated.

  • Peer Review: organize effective and efficient peer feedback and facilitate peer learning by guiding your students in reviewing each other’s work
  • Group Member Evaluation: get insight into the group dynamics and improve team work by letting students evaluate their team members’ collaboration skills


Tools for activating study material

In the session about activating study material, the focus will be on the activating study material tools. These tools stimulate asynchronous interaction between students and their peers.

  • Interactive Document/Video/Audio: activate students while reading an academic article, watching a video or listening to a podcast, by letting them answer questions about the study material or discuss the content with each other. These tools help students to better prepare for class and can be used to incorporate the flip-the-classroom method.


During both workshops you will get a live demo of how the tools work from both the teacher and student perspective and you get the opportunity to experience a tool as a student yourself. Of course, there will also be time to discuss your questions.

Author: Canvas Support Team


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Last updated: 11/10/21