Faculty contacts

Each faculty has its own workflows and specific interpretations for research data management (RDM), ethical review and registration of research projects. Below you can find faculty contact information and the UMployee link to faculty RDM information.
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - FASoS


Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life sciences - FHML



Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience - FPN
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - FSE


Faculty of Law - LAW


School of Business and Economics - SBE





RDM library contacts

RDM coordinator: Pedro Hernández Serrano | p.hernandezserrano@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Product Owner Research Project Services (RPS) platform: Erik Jansen | erik.jansen@maastrichtuniversity.nl 
Product Owner Data Collection and Storage: Fabrizio di Stefano | f.distefano@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Software Steward: Shuai Wang | shuai.wang@maastrichtuniversity.nl 
Junior Data Scientist: Ayaka Minamii | a.minamii@student.maastrichtuniversity.nl

Data stewardship

Faculty data stewards support Maastricht University’s research community with FAIR research data and software management throughout the research life cycle. Watch the video below to find out how a data steward can assist you.

Data stewards are the first point of contact for:

  • Assistance with data management paragraphs and data and software management plans
  • Recommendations on data privacy
  • Advice on data storage, sharing, publishing and archiving
  • Consultancy on making data and software FAIR and Open Science oriented

If the project and data require it, the data steward will direct researchers to additional RDM service providers from the UM or other experts.