UM policies

Research Data Management Code of Conduct

UM has established a Research Data Management Code of Conduct that outlines how researchers should handle research data with care and integrity, encouraging data reuse and verification.

Processing of personal data

In line with the GDPR, UM set its own policy rules for careful processing of personal data. Find the policy rules on UM’s privacy regulations website.

In addition, UM adopted policy to provide additional direction for researchers. On UMployee (only accessible to UM staff), you can discover useful flowcharts to help you determine whether processing of personal data is permitted for your research, what legal obligations you must adhere to, how you must inform those involved, etc.

Open Science

UM endorses the principles of Open Science, offering academics support to put these principles into practice and make science “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”. To support the application of Open Science throughout the research cycle, UM has established an Open Science policy.

UM policy documents

Visit the UM Policy hub on UMployee (only accessible to UM staff) for an overview of all research policy documents.

Funder requirements

Dutch funders NWO and ZonMw, as well as the EU require researchers to conform with FAIR data management standards and to share research data in a way that is “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”. In general, project proposals must include a data management section. Once the project is granted, researchers must submit a data management plan (DMP) within a specific time frame of the project’s start date.



On the NWO website, you can find more details regarding RDM, the data management section, and DMP requirements.


On the ZonMw website, you can learn more about their policy on data management and FAIR data in all stages of the grant procedure.

Horizon Europe

Learn more about the requirements for RDM for projects that generate and/or reuse data in the Horizon Europe programme guide.


The Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Research Integrity

This code of conduct establishes guidelines for scientific research integrity within Dutch Universities and other research institutes.

The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

This code of conduct serves the European research community as a framework for self-regulation across all scientific and scholarly disciplines and for all research settings.

Medical Research involving Humans Subjects Act (WMO)

The Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (Dutch: ‘Wet medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek met mensen’, WMO) applies to medical scientific research involving human subjects who are exposed to activities or have a specific mode of behavior imposed on them.