See the list below for more information on the tools available. This list will surely grow longer in the future. If you have a request for a new tool please contact your Canvas faculty support.

Third-party tools in Canvas require cookies. Make sure that your browser allows Canvas the permission to make use of safe third-party tools:Allow third-party cookies in Canvas.

Canvas app
Canvas has an app that is available for both Android and iOs phones. There is a teacher app as well as a student app. For teachers it is easy to use to grade or give feedback to submitted assignments. Students can do a lot on the app, like checking their calendar, consult shared files and announcements and submit assignments.

Tip: for teachers it might be interesting to download the app for students too, to check out what students can do in your course.



Do you want to actively engage your students in the subject matter after they leave the Problem Based Learning (PBL) session? FeedbackFruits modules -integrated in Canvas- could facilitate this for your course!

Tools for activating study material:

  • Interactive documents and videos support interaction around a document or video.
  • Comprehension Counter inefficient reading strategies and improve students’ understanding of a text by letting them annotate a document based on predetermined topics.

You can also create interactive video quizzes with Feedback Fruits Interactive Video. For more information see the page on video quizzes in the UM Canvas Training course (only accessible with a UM account).

Tools to facilitate peer feedback:

  • Peer review option with which students can review their peers’ work, by coupling one or several students. The instructor may structure feedback with criteria and constraints.
  • Group Member Evaluation tool, which offers the possibility to students to evaluate group member contribution to collaborative group work.
  • Discussion Assignment to structure a meaningful online discussion by letting students discuss each other’s work in an open setting

FeedbackFruit tools are available in all Canvas courses, see the documentation on how to create an assignment with FBF.

Video with example of Peer Review assignment

Video with example of Group Member Evaluation

As of  June 2022 the creation of a FeedbackFruits assignment works a little bit differently:

  1. Select + Assignment
  2. Select External Tools and click on Find
  3. Select FeedbackFruits
  4. Select the appropriate tool
  5. Set up and save the assignment
  6. Click on Select
  7. Complete and save the Canvas assignment


Attend workshops on activating study material or see a recorded workshop

Attend workshops on facilitating peer feedback or see a recorded workshop


Turnitin Originality has replaced Ouriginal for plagiarism review in Canvas. For new assignments only Turnitin can be selected for plagiarism review. Old Ourignal  reports will still be available.

When an assignment is copied Ourginal will still be selected. Once every two weeks a script will be used to change assignments, without submissions, in 2023-24 courses from Ouriginal to TurnItIn. For assignments with a due or other date, before the start date of the course, this automatic change is not possible. Please check your copied assignments and select Turnitin if Ouriginal is still selected.

To access the Ouriginal report

In the Gradebook you can see whether the report is available, when the report is available a small tab icon is displayed.






The colour of the tab indicates the range of the matching percentage found.





You can access the report by opening Speed Grader.
Open the report by clicking on the percentage.

For more information on the Ouriginal report, please see: Manual on Ouriginal report.

N.B.: Some of the sources are only accessible if you are logged in into Ouriginal . You can login from the first paper you are examining;

  • Click on Profile -> Sign In.



Turnitin Originality

Turnitin Originality has replaced Ouriginal for plagiarism review in Canvas. For new assignments only Turnitin can be selected for plagiarism review. Old Ourignal  reports will still be available.

When an assignment is copied Ourginal might still be selected. Make sure to change this from Ouriginal to Turnitin in the settings of the assignment.

Turnitin Originality software helps detect and prevent plagiarism when students hand in assignments and papers. This tool can only be used in an assignment, students cannot check their own papers.

File requirements

Turnitin will only accept files that can generate Similarity Reports. This includes:

  • files less than 100MB,
  • files with a minimum of 20 words
  • file less than 800 pages
  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, txt, rtf, HTML, Corel Wordperfect, ODT, HWP/HWPX, pptx, Google Docs.

For the AI Writing Detection to work the submission needs to meet the following requirements:

  • File size must be less than 100 MB
  • File must have at least 300 words of prose text in a long-form writing format
  • File must not exceed 30,000 words
  • File must be written in English
  • Accepted file types: .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf

Want to learn more about the Settings of an assignment with Turnitin in Canvas, how to understand the similarity report or how to get a similarity report outside of Canvas, go to Turnitin Originality in the Canvas training course.


Mediasite is a video registration and sharing platform used by the UM. It is integrated in Canvas, giving you the option to easily share videos and lectures you have made with your students. It also offers the opportunity to create Mediasite Video Assignments for your students, allowing your students to use MyMediasite to record and upload their video and share it through Canvas for their assignments.

Go to the Mediasite information page to learn more about this platform and find instructions on how to use its features.

You can create interactive video quizzes with Mediasite. For more information see the page on video quizzes in the UM Canvas Training course (only accessible with a UM account).

Atomic Search

Atomic Search is a Canvas add-on that lets you search the full text of Canvas course content. Access Search from a course, account, or global navigation menu or from a search box at the top right of Canvas screens.

More information:


Zoom is a virtual classroom application that is easy to use outside and inside of Canvas, enabling teachers and tutors to manage synchronous (live) sessions with students in your course environment, such as tutorial meetings. Zoom supports up to 300 participants in standard meetings.

For manuals and guidelines on Zoom, please take a look at the Zoom Videoconferencing page. Next to information on Zoom, you there find information on lecture recording (both in lecture halls as well as desktop recordings) and guidelines for tutors, lecturers and students to organise and participate in online educational activities.

Next to tools embedded in Canvas, the University Library offers applications and tools for all UM students and staff. Most are generic for all members, other concern faculty-specific applications. Use this overview as an entrance to information about a specific app or tool, sometimes embedded in a specific context or connected to a service or support offer.