News archive
Category: News
Emerald open access deal: no more APC discount in 2022
The Emerald open access discount agreement has reached the maximum APC discounts for 2022. Emerald has suspended the discount arrangement for the rest of the year. On 1 January, a new allocation of OA waivers will become available.
…Talking about books
The University Library starts a new series of video blogs, called ‘Talking about books’, where we put books (in print or E-book) from our collection in the spotlight.
…It’s a book! Open Access of course.
Last week, we presented the first Maastricht University Press Open Access book online. A print version of the book was offered a week earlier to Professor Dr Rainer Prokisch on his retirement from the chair of International Tax Law at Maastricht University.
…Open Access monitor: 82% of Dutch scientific articles Open Access
In 2021, we took another big step towards 100% Open Access (OA) in the Netherlands. Last year, Dutch universities made 82% of peer-reviewed scientific publications OA. Via publishers (gold OA) or university repositories (green OA). An increase of nine per cent.
…Finding and reusing Open Educational Resources (OER)
An Open Access Week challenge for teachers: do you choose sustainability and save time and means by reusing learning-, teaching- and research materials?
…Art Nouveau illustrations, fairy tales & law and creepy stories
This autumn, we are all about fairy tales from our Golden Age of Illustration core collection. A precious collection of more than fifty of the most beautifully illustrated children’s books from around the turn of the twentieth century. All major author …
…Historical Book Review: writing on unusual old psychology books
In the Historical Book Review elective of the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience students are taught how to write a historical book review article for Wikipedia on original, strange, or unusual psychology (related) books from the Special Collection …
…Last spots for the FAIR for qualitative data workshop
FAIR is not just a Life Sciences hobby. Join this workshop to learn how to do FAIR in different disciplines.
…Nieuwe editie van de Leidraad voor juridische auteurs
De tiende druk, 2022 van de ‘Leidraad voor juridische auteurs: Verwijzen naar literatuur, regelgeving en jurisprudentie in voetnoten en literatuurlijst’, bedoeld voor Nederlandstalige teksten, is herzien en geactualiseerd.
…Introduction to Circular Science by making your data FAIR
Do you want to learn how to apply the FAIR principles to your research? Join our hands-on training in October.