Ordering literature for the library collections

Would you like the library to order a particular book or journal? Please check LibSearch first, to make sure the book or journal is not already in the collection before you submit a recommendation. 

Submit an online recommendation.

Ordering literature for the Learning and Resource Centre collections

You can order via KeyLinks Learning Resources.

Guidelines as agreed by the Library Committees:
course coordinators are responsible for the literature for the Learning and Resource Centre, and determine the number of titles/copies to be ordered for a course; the guidelines only provide the maximum quantity.

For a timely availability of your order, please take the delivery period into account. In most cases, your literature will be available within a week but be aware that the availability of some publications might take up to six weeks.

University of Midwifery Education & Studies (AVMU)

Please consider the following ordering guidelines:

  • If available and financially feasible, an e-book with unlimited DRM will be purchased
  • If an e-book is too expensive to purchase, or has too many DR-restrictions, 3 print copies per title will be bought for the Learning and Resources Collection
  • For each title ordered, the library will automatically order a lendable copy for the library collection unless already present
  • For a timely availability of your order, please take the delivery period into account. Dutch publications can take up to six weeks, and foreign language publications can take up to eight weeks.
Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences (FHML)

Please consider the following ordering guidelines:

  • Course planning groups are authorised and responsible for choosing and ordering book titles for education
  • KeyLinks is the method of ordering book titles for the Learning Resources Collection
  • The Library is of assistance in organising this literature in the KeyLinks literature lists
  • The Library will provide the needed literature for FHML education in the Learning Resource Collection and as e-book versions
  • Books in the Learning Resource Collection cannot be borrowed and may only be utilised within the library.
  • Please be aware of new editions of current titles while updating the Keylinks literature list of your course!
  • If available and financially feasible, an e-book version with unlimited DRM will be purchased.
    Only a single lendable copy will be purchased in this case.
    – If there is no unlimited DRM, a maximum of three copies for the Learning Resource collection will be purchased.
    – If the title is more practical as a physical edition (E.g. anatomy), 3-6 physical copies for the Learning Resource Collection will be ordered alongside the E-book.
  • If an e-book version is too expensive to purchase, the FHML information specialist can make suggestions about alternative titles; which are present as e-book versions.
    This is in agreement with the FHML Institute for Education.
  • If an e-book version is not available, up to six print copies will be ordered for the Learning Resource collection..
  • For each title ordered for the Learning Resource Collection, the library will automatically order a lendable copy for the library collection unless already present.
Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE)

Please consider the following ordering guidelines for all programs except UCM and UCV:

  • Max 3 titles per course
  • If available, an e-book is preferred over a print version
  • If an e-book is not available, one print copy (per 50 students) will be ordered to be placed non-lendable in the Randwyck Library.

For UCM: order your course literature via ucm-studentaffairs@maastrichtuniversity.nl. There is a limited budget, decisions regarding e-book/amount of print versions will be taken in relation to this budget.

For UCV: see ordering guidelines below.

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (FASOS)

Please consider the following ordering guidelines:

  • If available, an e-book is to be preferred over the print version
  • When purchasing an e-book, additionally one print copy is made available
  • Per course up to 15 titles
  • It is possible to order several copies of a particular title and to vary the number of titles and number of copies per title, but the total number of copies for a course should never be more than 5 copies for every 10 students.
Faculty of Law (FL)

Please consider the following ordering guidelines (they apply to all programmes!):

  • If available, an e-book is to be preferred over the print version
  • When purchasing an e-book, additionally one print copy is made available
  • Regarding compulsory reading per course:
    • Up to 5 titles
    • 1 copy per 15 students with a maximum of 10 copies
    • It is possible to vary the number of titles and number of copies per title, but the total number of copies for a course should never be more than 50 (5 titles x 10 copies)
  • Regarding additional literature per course:
    • The number of titles is unlimited
    • 1 copy per title
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN)

Please consider the following ordering guidelines:

  • Course planning groups are authorised and responsible for choosing and ordering book titles for education
  • KeyLinks is the method of ordering book titles for the Learning Resource Collection
  • The Library is of assistance in organising this literature in the KeyLinks literature lists
  • The Library will provide the needed literature for FPN education in the Learning Resource Collection and as e-book versions
  • Books in the Learning Resource Collection are for reference only in the Library and cannot be borrowed.
  • Please also be aware of new editions of current titles while updating the Keylinks literature list of your course!
  • If available and financially feasible, an e-book version will be purchased. Additionally, the Library will order three print copies for the Learning Resource Collection.
  • If an e-book version is too expensive to purchase, the FPN information specialist can make suggestions about alternative titles, which are present as e-book versions.
  • If an e-book version is not available, up to six print copies will be ordered for the Learning Resource collection.
  • For each title ordered for the Learning Resource Collection, the Library will automatically order a lendable copy for the library collection unless already present.
School of Business and Economics (SBE)

Please consider the following ordering guidelines:

  • If available, an e-book is to be preferred over the print version
  • Regarding compulsory and additional books per course: 1 copy per 15 students with a minimum of 2 copies and a maximum of 5 copies.

Since it is not possible to have sufficient copies available for all students in all courses, literature is purchased in small numbers and students are expected to buy their own copies. Please add a comment to this effect in your course material. For example: ‘Students are strongly advised to buy the compulsory literature’.

University College Venlo (UCV)

Please consider the following ordering guidelines:

  • If available, an e-book is to be preferred over the print version
  • When purchasing an e-book, additionally one print copy is made available
  • Regarding compulsory reading per course:
    • 1 copy per 15 students
  • Regarding additional literature per course:
    • 1 copy per title